Basic troubleshooting
If you're experiencing an issue with MAGICapp, we suggest to do these 3 things before you contact us:
1. Try to reload page
2. Try to reload page while holding down the 'Shift' button (the one you use to capitalize letters)
3. Delete browser data storage/ Cache. It is slightly different for different browsers. Below follows an explanation on how to do this for each browser: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
How to clear cache in different browsers
- Click on the Chrome menu icon seated towards the right end, besides the address bar (three vertical dots icon
2. Select "Clear browsing data" (may be under "More Tools"). You can also select "Settings" and navigate to "Privacy and security," or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
3. A pop up (as shown below) will appear on your screen. Here, you can select, not just cache, but any browsing data that you wish to delete.
4. We are only concerned with browser cache, so tick mark the option reading "Cached images and files." To clear cache completely, we suggest you select "All time" from the drop down. Click on "Clear data" when done.
Firefox's Help article on clearing cache
- Click on the Firefox menu icon seated towards the right end, besides the address bar (three horizontal lines icon
2. Select "Settings" and then the "Privacy & Security" panel. In the "Cookies and Site Data" section, click Clear Data.
3. A pop up (as shown below) will appear on your screen. Here, you can select, cache and/or cookies.
4. We are only concerned with browser cache, so tick mark the option reading "Cached Web Content." Click on "Clear" when done.
- On the top menu bar, select "Develop" and "Empty Caches."
- If you do not have the Develop menu showing, you can enable this through the Safari menu. Select "Safari" then "Settings," and under the "Advanced" tab check off the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" box.
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